Chemical Testing (CPSIA)
PIA MidAmerica has partnered with Armstrong Forensic Laboratory in Arlington, Texas to provide testing for printers, as well as suppliers of inks, coatings, and binding material, which ensures that products meet the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) standards for children’s materials.
As a leading expert in chemical forensic testing, Armstrong brings analytical and consulting expertise to the printing industry to comply with regulatory and corporate certification programs. With a background in the testing of Children’s Products and Toys such as; books, magazines, premium trading cards, posters, sticker books, coloring books and board games, Armstrong responds to client needs by mitigating risks, reducing costs and ensuring compliance. Armstrong is a valued partner to the printing industry in complying with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).
For additional information about this program — which provides PIA MidAmerica members extremely competitive pricing — contact Member Services at (800) 788-2040 or info@piamidam.orgor Doug Lanphere at (817) 275-2691 or