91.4% of all cardboard boxes were recycled in the US in 2021

The data is out! Reports show that in 2021, 91.4% of all cardboard boxes were recycled. This is an increase from the following year of ~90%. For the past decade, we have seen a fluctuation of ~85% – 92% of cardboard materials being recycled. This is a great trend to see, and we need to make sure we are doing our part to ensure that the percentage continues to rise!


The trend is on the up, so lets keep it that way!

We can all contribute by making sure not only by recycling what we use but by paying attention to where we shop. Make sure that when we buy products it’s in recyclable containers whenever possible. By choosing to shop at stores that use environmentally safe packaging we can ensure that the amount of plastic and non-biodegradable waste is lessened. While some cities provide bins to place your recycling into, some might not so ensure that you know where your local recycling center is located. Some centers have different rules and guidelines to what they can accept, so make sure that you are up to date with what can be recycled.

to read more about way to ensure you are recycling properly click here