
The Heat is On this Summer! Take Action to Protect Workers from the Heat

I’ve noticed salt lines on my black tee-shirt at the end of the day after helping clients with forklift observations many days lately. Most manufacturing companies have warehousing and shipping employees working in areas that are not air-conditioned. Some companies also perform production operations areas with no AC. Fortunately, we (in printing) are blessed to

Who to Communicate With During a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Simply put, communicating with all relevant parties involved in workers’ compensation claims (e.g., employees, supervisors, medical providers and claims adjusters) not only provides a better experience for employees, but it also helps employers reduce costs associated with claims. Among other benefits, opening lines of communication to the different parties associated with claims can help

Understanding Amputation Prevention in the Printing Industry

I entered the printing industry as a workplace safety & health specialist over twenty years ago. One of the first things I noticed, back then, before Y2K, was the number of production workers at the “safety training sign in table” who had “less than ten digits” – evidence of traumatic injuries suffered on the

COVID-19 Surge in our Region

As of summer 2022, COVID-19 remains present. It just isn’t all that encompassing anymore, until there is an outbreak. Throughout our region, in the last seven days, there has been on average a 25% spike in reported COVID-19 cases. While much less serious than in those first days, a COVID-19 outbreak in the workplace

Resiliency – PIA MidAmerica Support in Uncertain Times

Resiliency – PIA MidAmerica Support in Uncertain TimesPrinters are RESILIENT. You are resilient. Remember that. Many of you have been in the industry a long time now and have witnessed once-in-a-lifetime events occur that changed organizations forever. Some have been positive like computer-aided typesetting, digital plating, web-to-print, and digital workflows. Others sent shivers up

Heat Related Illness

Heat exposure can be dangerous and even deadly. If you spend time out in the summer heat, be aware of these signs of a medical emergency. Abnormal thinking or behavior Slurred speech Seizures Loss of consciousness If you or someone you are working with experiences any of these symptoms, here are some things you can

Midyear business insurance renewal season is upon us!

This seems a great time to remind PIA members that PIA MidAmerica has established a valuable relationship with AmeriTrust CONNECT to provide access to a competitive Workers’ Compensation insurance program. As part of this member benefit program, AmeriTrust CONNECT offers a premium credit to PIA MidAmerica members. If you have you a policy renewing in

On July 10th, the price of a first-class stamp will be 60¢

Since 1982 the price has postage has tripled with nearly 40% of that increase in the last decade. On July 10th, the price of a first-class stamp will be 60¢.  Inflation is only part of the story as direct and indirect competition impact the direct mail category of marketing spend. If mailing services

How to Protect Against Phishing Scams

As more criminals turn to online scams to steal personal and company information, business leaders and employees must remain vigilant in their cybersecurity efforts. While no single cybersecurity solution can avert all phishing attacks, the following actions can minimize their frequency and severity: Stay informed about phishing techniques. IT administrators should constantly monitor