Wellness Programs for Smaller Companies
Many companies do not have the resources to create a complex wellness program. However, targeting wellness is important for smaller companies because a successful wellness program can reap the following benefits:
- Improved employee morale and increased productivity
- Reduced overall health care costs
- Improved employee well-being and reduced absenteeism
- Attraction of employees
Though your organization may not be able to fund a comprehensive wellness program, you can still implement some low-cost activities to improve the health and wellness of your employees. The following are some suggestions for low-cost wellness initiatives:
- Ask a local hospital, nonprofit or other health care organization to provide presentations to your employees on the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
- Ask AmeriTrust CONNECT if your health insurance carrier offers free health risk assessments.
- Create a wellness committee consisting of employees at various levels and in different departments to lead your wellness efforts. Start with simple activities, such as healthy eating days and lunchtime walks.
- Make your workplace smoke-free.
- Offer on-site flu shots for free or at a reduced cost.
- Provide healthier vending machine choices.
- Encourage employees to go outside during lunch or during their breaks for a quick run or walk. Encourage them to take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
- Provide educational materials on the benefits of eating well, exercising, not smoking and other healthy lifestyle changes. Ask AmeriTrust CONNECT about the Live Well, Work Well newsletter series and other communication resources to support your workplace wellness efforts.
Contact AmeriTrust CONNECT today for a variety of low-cost wellness activities to benefit your employees and improve your bottom line.
Contact PIA MidAmerica to learn more or get a quote online in minutes or contact Nick DiCarlo with Ameritrust Connect to get started.