
SAVE THE DATE! Safe + Sound Week – August 13-19, 2018

SHOW YOUR COMMITMENT TO SAFETY PIA MidAmerica is participating in the 2018 OSHA Safe + Sound Week and so should YOU! This event is a nationwide event to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs that include management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to finding and fixing hazards

BEST PRESS Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification to Manage Risk, Improve Security Posture and Meet Compliance Requirements

For immediate release Addison, TX, July 2018. Best Press, a leading woman-owned, North Dallas commercial printing, packaging, and direct mailing company, today announced its data transfer, Door access systems, CCTV, press database, plate printing and access control systems have earned Certified Status for information security by HITRUST. HITRUST CSF Certified Status demonstrates that Best Press

QTT Webinar – State of the Industry

Print is off to a running start in 2018 – both an Olympics and a mid-term election – which means a double boost for print. During our live, monthly, 1-hour Quick Takes Tuesday webinar,  Tai McNaughton, senior economist with PIA National (Printing Industries of America), shared about the growth potential foreseen on multiple fronts as

U.S. Postal Service Announces New Prices for 2018

Courtesy of: USPS October 6, 2017 Read more HERE. WASHINGTON — The United States Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) today of price changes to take effect Jan. 21, 2018. The new prices, if approved, include a one cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 49